Sabbath School / Bible Studies: Searching the Holy Scriptures
Exploring Both the Old & New Testament Books of the Holy Prophets and the Apostles
This week's Lesson comes from: The Book of ISAIAH; Chapter 6
Don't know where to find the "Book of Isaiah" in your bible or on your mobile (or other handheld) device? No problem. We got you!
Access Using a Hard Copy: If you're using a hard copy of the bible, go to the "table of contents" (found in the beginning pages of your bible). From the Table of Contents (often referred to as the "Books of the Bible") look down the list and you should see the name "Isaiah" and the page number where it begins.
Access Using a Mobile (or other Handheld) Device: If you're using a digital version of the bible on your smartphone, iPad, tablet, (or some other type of handheld device), open your bible app and go to the bible icon, from there look down the "table of contents" and you should see the name "Isaiah" tap it and follow the prompts.
Don't have a digital version of the bible on your device...yet? No problem. We got you! Download a digital version of the bible from the App Store on your Apple device, or from the Google Play Store on your Android device.
Hint: The Book of Isaiah is found after a book called "Song of Solomon" and before the book of prophet "Jeremiah."